behind orbit


We are an interdisciplinary and international team, with a strong and broad background. We are proficient in the fields of automation, engineering, design as well as sustainability. this enables us as a team, to build a tool, that is ready to change the status quo of sustainable product and service innovation.

  1. Felix Laarmann - Product & Strategy

    • With a background in product design and mechanical engineering, Felix is the initiator behind orbit. His passion for sustainable product development, combined with his expertise in AI and automation, drives the core vision of orbit. Felix's journey began with his Bachelor Thesis, which laid the foundation for orbit.

  2. Mariana Navarro García - Business & Sustainability

    • Mariana brings a wealth of knowledge in sustainability management, honed through her extensive academic and professional experiences. With her insights in sustainable practices and strategies, she ensures that orbit's solutions are not only innovative but also grounded in real-world sustainability challenges.

  3. Corinna Hirt - Branding & UI Design

    • A trained graphic designer and a graduate in interaction design, Corinna is responsible for the intuitive and user-friendly interface of orbit. Her skills in visual communication and design thinking are instrumental in making orbit's complex technology accessible and engaging.

  4. Robin Bork - UX Architecture

    • Specializing in interaction design, Robin focuses on user experience and software ergonomics in orbit. His expertise is crucial in crafting an engaging and seamless user journey, ensuring that the intricate processes of orbit are navigated with ease and efficiency.

  5. THIS COULD BE YOU - SW Developer & CTO

    • We’re looking for a skilled and passionate software developer to join our team as CTO. If this sounds interesting to you, please reach out to


At orbit, our journey towards revolutionizing sustainable product development has been bolstered by the support of a network of esteemed partners and supporters. Their backing underscores the significance of our mission and the impact of our technology. Here are some of the key supporters who have played a pivotal role in our journey:

📨 To learn more, please get in touch with

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